SME specializes in the restoration and rehabilitation of existing concrete and masonry structures, systems, and components. A critical need in these endeavors is knowledge of present conditions and existing material properties.

Our certified professionals use a wide variety of destructive and nondestructive testing (NDT) equipment and processes to assist in economically and effectively evaluating these materials, their properties and the system’s internal components. Often, several techniques are used in combination to improve accuracy and determine information for structural restoration.
- Impulse Penetrating Radar (IPR)
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Impact Echo Velocity (IE)
- Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV)
- Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)
- Slab Impulse Response (SIR)
- Windsor Probe
- Pin Penetrometer
- Half-Cell Potential
- Pachometer (R-Meter)
- Schmidt Rebound Hammer
- Bond Strength By Pull-Off Method
- Pull-Out Resistance Load Test