SME provides a full range of structural materials engineering, quality assurance, materials nondestructive and destructive testing, assessment and evaluation services that provide owners, contractors, and designers the expertise required for safe, economical and sound structural projects.

Our team includes experienced engineers with expertise in structural materials including concrete, steel, masonry, wood, composite materials, and more. SME also provides assessment and evaluation services for existing structure conditions, damaged structure conditions, Special Inspections during construction, laboratory testing of materials, and expert witness reports and testimony.
- Materials Condition Assessments and Evaluations
- On-site Failure Analysis and Investigations
- Specialized Nondestructive Testing
- Existing Structure Component Assessment
- Structural Distress Evaluation
- Load Test Specification and Monitoring
- Borescope Examinations and Evaluations
- Anchor Bolt Proof-loading and Evaluations
- Fireproofing Application
- Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Assessment
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Assistance with Specification Development
- Expert Witness