Our Projects
M1 concourse car at the test track

Client Sector




Environmental, Geotechnical, Construction Materials



Pontiac, Michigan

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M1 Concourse

SME was retained by M1 Concourse to provide brownfield redevelopment consulting for a planned $60M mixed-use facility in Pontiac, Michigan. This 80-acre former GM site was transformed into an automotive complex with a focus on providing amenities to collectors of classic and luxury cars. The site plan included approximately 23 multi-unit, car condominium storage buildings, a control tower/restaurant, commercial and retail buildings, an auto dealership, and an office building. Other site features include an automotive demonstration track, an outdoor fairgrounds area, and a stage.

The extensive industrial history of the site (circa-1908) presented extensive environmental and construction challenges for the M1 Concourse. The site was under RCRA Corrective Action status, posing significant legal, acquisition, and redevelopment concerns. SME worked closely with RACER Trust to help the team understand the environmental conditions, on-going cleanup and monitoring activities, and potential restrictions for construction and land use (institutional controls). Our role included facilitating project discussions to present strategies for managing potential environmental liability, human exposure, and construction considerations.

SME completed a $130,000 preliminary environmental and geotechnical investigation on the Phase 1 parcel of construction. Our services included conducting Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Phase II ESAs, and BEAs for three parcels comprising the project site. We negotiated a new, streamlined BEA submittal process for roughly 100 BEAs, saving both time and money.

Based on SME’s experience and discussions with the development team, two environmental issues posed the most significant restrictions and costs to the project: 1) an area of residual light non-aqueous phased liquid (LNAPL) hydrocarbon product located in the south-central area of the site, and 2) vapor intrusion concerns for future buildings. Therefore, SME commenced an investigation consisting of numerous direct-push borings and soil gas vapor implants. Results of our investigation demonstrated the designated LNAPL area, which would require an impervious cover, could be reduced by two-thirds of the originally proposed size. We designed multiple options for capping LNAPL and PCB impacted areas and coordinated construction with RACER/EPA. SME’s soil gas investigation also provided data demonstrating that fewer buildings required a vapor mitigation system. To date, we estimate the findings of the preliminary subsurface assessments will result in a project cost savings of approximately $400,000 for the M1 Concourse.

Other geotechnical engineering services included groundwater sampling, test pits, and visual asbestos assessment. SME also provided Construction Materials Services (CMS) during construction phases.