Casey Smith headshot

Casey Smith, CPG


Casey Smith, CPG is a Senior Consultant and Group Leader for SME’s Environmental Services Group. His principal roles are coordinating and executing the overall operations of our Environmental Services Group in the regions we serve, business development, and project management in West Michigan. He also provides a multitude of environmental consulting services, including brownfield redevelopment incentives, environmental due diligence, site assessment and monitoring, vapor mitigation design and oversight, underground storage tank (UST) management, storm water services, and other environmental services.

Casey earned his MS in Earth Science from Western Michigan University and his BS in Natural Resource Biology and Environmental Science from Central Michigan University. He is a Certified Professional Geologist with more than 20 years of experience working with regulators, communities, property owners, industrial clients, developers, construction companies, real estate agents, attorneys, and lenders to address environmental challenges associated with acquiring and developing/redeveloping property, repurposing brownfield sites, fulfilling liable party obligations, and navigating complex state and federal regulatory requirements.

Casey Smith, CPG is also experienced in brownfield grant writing, community economic development, and acquisition and redevelopment projects involving Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs), Due Care documentation, vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation, and financial incentive programs. His familiarity with tax increment financing (TIF); the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s brownfield grant and loan program; and the U.S. EPA’s brownfields assessment and cleanup program have helped our clients with challenging project funding situations. Casey has significant field and project management experience with soil, groundwater, surface water, soil gas, indoor air, and storm water sampling; environmental drilling and monitoring well installation methods; asbestos, lead-based paint and other hazardous materials inspections; and contractor oversight.

Outside his work life, Casey Smith enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter at their summer camping spot or their favorite sushi restaurant. He also enjoys deer hunting, golf, and fishing.